Here are 10 easy yoga poses for beginners:
Sit on the floor, with your legs out in front of you. Cross your shins and slip each foot under the opposite knee. Rest your hands on your knees.
Kneel on the floor, with your knees wider than your hips, and toes pointed and together. Stretch your arms out on the floor in front of you, shoulder-width apart. Rest your forehead on the floor.
Stand with your feet hip widths apart. Shift your weight onto your right foot. Raise your left leg and gently turn your knee outwards. Place your left foot at the inside of your right calf or above your knee, never on the knee.
Start on all fours. Put your hands on the floor underneath your shoulders. Place your knees on the floor underneath your hips. Tuck your toes and lift your hips toward the ceiling.
From a standing position, place your feet around 4 feet wide. Turn your right foot out 90 degrees and your left foot inward towards your body slightly. Bend your right knee. Raise your arms parallel to the floor, palms down. Look out over your right hand.
From downward dog pose, step your right foot between your hands. Lower your left knee and calf to the floor, pointing your toes. Raise your arms alongside your ears.
Sitting with legs out in front of you and bend forward, keeping your back as straight as possible. Reach towards the outsides of your feet and grab them if possible.
Lie on the floor with your arms in a T-shape. Bring your knees to your chest. Keeping your arms out, let knees fall to one side. Look over your opposite shoulder.